Freelance Copywriter Travel
7 Of The Most Impressive Freelance Writer Portfolio Examples Jun 04, 2018 · up your seo game. this is another post in itself, but make sure your portfolio page ranks for your niche and your area. for example, make sure to include keywords like “freelance fitness copywriter” and “milwaukee copywriter” in your meta title, titles, and subtitles so you show up in search results. include testimonials and statistics. ghostwriter, writing coach, former magazine editor and marketing copywriter i've been writing and publishing since 1961- content, jiffy articles will be a breakthrough for copywriters winson ng thinkmaverick ***** the 10-minute article After a few years working as an in-house copywriter, i started my own freelance writing business. now, i write stories for a living and turn my five years' of experience into words that work for publications and brands like the new york times, booking. com and mastercard. Copywriters' kitchen serving scratch cooking recipes, frug...